Update on Virtual Committee of Adjustment Hearings

In June, City Planning staff began conducting virtual Committee of Adjustment (CoA) hearings for the first time since March, when all in-person meetings were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
I have since heard from residents across Ward 15 who are concerned about the public participation issues resulting from the new, virtual format. In addition to the reduced feedback timeframes and stricter written submission deadlines, technical problems have prevented many residents from verbally sharing feedback with the Committee during hearings.
In partnership with several Ward 15 Residents' Associations, I have put forward a series of recommendations to the Director of the CoA to improve public participation in virtual hearings. These recommendations include pre-meeting microphone and video checks, improved troubleshooting and IT services, and established protocols for situations where technical difficulties occur.
From the outset, I have been clear to City staff that virtual hearings should not affect the community's ability to participate in the CoA process. I was pleased to see the Planning and Housing Committee take initial steps to address this issue at their September 20, 2020 meeting. You can find a full summary of the Committee's decision, here.
My sincere thanks to everyone who has contacted my office to discuss the CoA virtual hearings and provide suggestions for improvement.