Road Safety Updates

School Safety Zones:
Last term, I introduced School Safety Zones (SSZs), a critical element of the Vision Zero Road Safety Plan I spearheaded as the former Chair of Public Works and Infrastructure.
Since the first SSZs were rolled-out in 2017, the program has been expanded to more than 205 schools across the City, with plans to eventually cover every public elementary and secondary school in Toronto.
I'm pleased to advise that in addition to clearing the 2019 backlog, staff are on target to install 80 new SSZs this year, including three in Don Valley West.


Heavy Truck Safety:
The City has established an internal roundtable to review potential short and long-term improvements on Toronto's truck safety. The first meeting was held in July and involved collaboration between several City divisions and agencies, including Solid Waste Management, Fleet Services, Fire Services, Transportation Services, and the TTC.