Noise By-law

As you’re probably aware, the Municipal Licensing and Standards Division is reviewing the existing noise bylaw.

The goal of the review is to make sure that the noise bylaw is up-to-date based on in-depth research and extensive public consultation.

Between March and August 2015, city staff were hard at work conducting detailed analysis and soliciting stakeholder and public feedback. In order to maximize the opportunity for residents to offer their feedback, I requested that the online survey be extended until mid-September.

City staff are currently writing the final report on the review. It’s expected to head to the Licensing and Standards Committee on January 22, 2016 and will be available online.

Committee meetings provide a unique opportunity for residents to offer their feedback in front of City Councillors, staff and fellow residents.

If you’d like to give a written or oral deputation on the final report of the noise bylaw review in January, please email or phone 416-397-4592.