Supporting Local Business - CaféTO Winter Update

In June, the City launched CaféTO to help Toronto's local restaurant economy capitalize on the busy summer dining season by facilitating the expansion of sidewalk and curb lane patios.

CaféTO patios have since been launched at over 439 locations, providing safe physical distancing for patrons at more than 621 restaurants.

As the colder weather sets in, curb lane patios have begun shutting down, making way for winter operations to proceed unimpeded on City streets.

In response to the challenges faced by local restaurants, City Council voted on October 27 to allow CaféTO dining areas on sidewalks to remain open through April 14, 2021. Additionally, dining establishments have been permitted to place portable heaters on all outdoor patios, provided they comply with the guidelines developed by Toronto Fire Services.

As a City, we must continue to find ways to support our local businesses as we face the second wave of COVID-19.